The Power of Spell Jars
Magick doesn’t always have to include long ceremonies and complicated incantations. Sometimes, you need a simple solution to your magickal problem. Spell jars are a great way to incorporate herbs, stones, trinkets, and other items into your magickal workings. This class is accessible for all magickal folk – from those just beginning to more advanced practitioners.
In class we’ll discuss different ways to cleanse your jars or bottles, how to write a clear, purposeful intention, and how to ‘enchant’ your jar. And we’ll learn about several herbs, stones, and other natural (and some supernatural) elements you can add to your spell jar.
Jars, herbs, and stones will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own, and anything else you’d like to incorporate into your jar.
When: 5 - 7 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 3
Where: SereniTea Emporium, 6 Spring St. SW, Concord, NC
Cost: $30
Teacher: Gwenna
** Spots are limited to six students
* To reserve your spot, the class must be paid in full.*
Eight Essential Herbs For Your Apothecary
Let's look at eight essential herbs: lavender, chamomile, rosemary, calendula, rose petals, goldenrod, peppermint, and cinnamon and discuss their magickal and medicinal uses.
We’ll make a protection oil and a tea using some of our herbs and discuss how to incorporate herbs into spells.
Herbs, oil, bottles, and bags for tea are included
When: Noon - 2 p.m., Saturday, August 3
Where: SereniTea Emporium, 6 Spring St. SW, Concord
Cost: $30
Teacher: Gwenna
** Spots are limited to six students
* To reserve your spot, the class must be paid in full.*
Wire Wrapping 101 with Benji
An introduction to the basics of wire wrapped pendants, bracelets and more. In this class we will be focusing on the basics of pendants. Included in the course is one stone, a set of basic wire wrapping tools and two small spools of copper wire to get you started.
When: 2:30 - 4:30 p.m., Saturday, August 3
Where: SereniTea Emporium, 6 Spring St. SW, Concord
Cost: $55​
Teacher: Benji
** Spots are limited to six students
* To reserve your spot, the class must be paid in full.*
By Herb, Oil, and Candle
What do we mean when we talk about ‘dressing’ a candle? Is it necessary? Does it help your magickal workings?
We’re going to talk about all that and more in this workshop. We’ll explain the reasons behind dressing candles, which herbs to use for various purposes, and so much more.
Herbs, candles, oils, and everything needed for this workshop will be provided.
When: Noon - 2 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 21
Where: SereniTea Emporium, 6 Spring St. SW, Concord
Cost: $30
Teacher: Joann
** Spots are limited to six students
* To reserve your spot, the class must be paid in full.*
Cleanse That Shit!
This is a beginner-level friendly, discussion-based workshop in which we will learn about various cleansing methods for yourself and your space. We’ll discuss several easy methods including herbs and smudging, sprays, stones, and more. By the end of this workshop, you will feel confident about using at least one method of cleansing.
Where: SereniTea Emporium, 6 Spring St. SW, Concord
Cost: $40
Teachers: Aliya & Angelica
** Spots are limited to six students
* To reserve your spot, the class must be paid in full.*
Protect That Shit!
This is a Level 1, discussion-based workshop in which we will learn about various protection methods for yourself and your space. We’ll discuss some easy methods including herbs and smudging, sprays, stones, symbols, veiling, and more. By the end of this workshop, you will feel confident about using at least one method of protection.
Where: SereniTea Emporium, 6 Spring St. SW, Concord
Cost: $40
Teachers: Aliya & Angelica
** Spots are limited to six students
* To reserve your spot, the class must be paid in full.*
Only classes with dates beside them are those we are currently offering.
All classes are limited to 6 spots.
* To reserve your spot, the class must be paid in full.*
​​​Intro to Tarot​
You will learn the traditional meaning of each of the 78 cards and how to interpret tarot cards intuitively, meaning you won't need to memorize every card to interpret them. You will learn basic tarot spreads and how to make them work for you.​
When: 9:30 - 11:30 am, Saturdays beginning Sept. 14
Where: SereniTea Emporium, 6 Spring St SW, Concord
Cost: $200 for the six-week course
Teacher: Joann
​​​Intro to Witchcraft​
What do witches really do? What do they believe?
This class includes discussion about the facts and, more importantly, the myths about modern-day witchcraft.
We’ll learn about the history of witchcraft and its growing popularity. Through activities, projects, and discussion, you’ll enhance your own spirituality and become empowered through the ancient wisdom of the craft.
Topics covered include:
The Wheel of the Year
Magickal Tools
Creating Sacred Space
Various Spiritual Traditions
When: 11:30 am - 1:30 pm, Saturdays beginning Oct. 26
Where: SereniTea Emporium, 6 Spring St. SW, Concord
Cost: $180
Teacher: Gwenna
*** Requires 'The Inner Temple of Witchcraft,' by Christopher Penczak
Intro to Witchcraft II
You’ve taken the first step on your path, or maybe you’ve been practicing for a while and want to learn more. Let’s dig deeper into the craft of wise women and mages, and build community while we’re at it.
We’ll study:
Astral travel
Candle magick
Course length: Six weeks
Class length: Two hours
Cost: $120
Learn to Read Oracle Cards
Oracle cards have similarities to tarot but in most ways are a completely different divination tool. Join Gwenna for this four-week class series in which we'll take a look at the history of oracle cards and the clues hidden in colors, symbols, and pictures in your cards. And we'll learn intuitive ways to interpret any deck. ​
Course length: Four weeks
Class length: Two hours
Cost: $70
Requires ANY oracle deck
Paganism 101
Unsure of what paganism is and what spiritual paths it encompasses? Have you wondered how to get started on your spiritual path?
We’ll study the basics of pagan belief systems, moon phases, seasons, celebrations, and practices common in western paganism.​
We’ll discuss:
Who pagans are
What is the real meaning of the word pagan and where it came from
Paganism’s spiritual foundation
What happens at a ritual
Concepts about deity
Pagan ethics
The mechanics of magick
And much more
Course length: Four weeks
Class length: Two hours
​​Practical Magick- Spells & Crafts for the Beginner Witch
We will discuss the importance of ethics, intuition, and intention, and how we can use those in our favor to transform our lives from mundane to magickal. This class will focus on simple and easy ways to include magick in our daily routine.
We will learn about a variety of magickal methods including protection, cleansing, color/outfit magick, candle magick, and more. ​
Course length: Four weeks
Class length: Two hours
Cost: $120
​Celebrating The Wheel Of The Year
In this class we’ll study each of the eight holidays observed by most pagans:
Samhain Yule (Winter Solstice)
Imbolc Ostara (Vernal Equinox)
Beltane Litha (Summer Solstice)
Lughnasadh or Lammas Mabon (Fall Equinox)
We dig into the origins of each celebration, its correspondences, rituals, elements, foods, traditions, and more. We’ll create vision boards of each of the sabbats while finding ways to personalize each turn of the wheel to fit your practice.
Course length: Four weeks
Class length: Two hours
**This class requires ‘Witches Wheel of the Year,’ by Jason Mankey